FirstLine Therapy (FLT) is a personalized Lifestyle Medicine Program
What is FirstLine Therapy (FLT)?
FirstLine therapy is an operating system for lifestyle management. It’s the best way I have found for reversing chronic disease, avoiding disease in the first place, and attaining optimal health. I hope you join me in helping you be the best you can be!
Reversing and delaying chronic illness:
Extensive scientific research demonstrates that many chronic diseases associated with aging can be prevented or even treated by using an FLT-type of program. Some of these illnesses include:
Cardiovascular disease
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Chronic pain
Cognitive Decline and Dementia
Remember, FLT is a personalized program to reverse and delay chronic disease as well as a program to help you deal with your health issues or to help you fulfill your optimal health goals. Other health issues FLT addresses include hormonal issues, gut issues, fatigue, and headaches to name a few.
Your personalized FirstLine Therapy program will include:
Health screening
Body composition analysis Customized health plans
Lifestyle and behavioral coaching Personalized food plans
Physical activity recommendations
Targeted nutritional support
Tracking tools
Remember, illness does not have to be a normal part of aging.